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更新时间:2025-03-24 09:44:37

at the outside

英 [æt ðə ˌautˈsaid]

美 [æt ði aʊtˈsaɪd]

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  • 网络解释

1. at the outside的近义词

1. 至多:at the outside 至多 | at the parting of the ways 在十字路口 | at the peril of one's life 不管自身的安危

2. 最大限度:183.On no account 决不 | 184. At the outside 最大限度 | 185. At least 至少


3. 最多,充其量:367at the moment此刻 | 368at the outside最多,充其量 | 369at the ready准备立即行动

  • 临近词

Turn off the gas at the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor's home.(如果你能在邻居家打电话,叫煤气公司关掉外面的煤气主阀盘。)
The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside—at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons.(最好的办法是减轻学生的外部压力,同时让他们更好地理解和应对外面的世界,这样既保护他们,又拓宽他们的视野。)
I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.(我于下午两点半来到教堂,发现大门外已有些人到了。)
A small team began to make the boat at the start of 2012 on the Roman Lawn outside Dover museum.(2012年初,一个小团队在多佛博物馆外的罗马草坪上开始制造这艘船。)
At the outside edge of the atmosphere, that actually means that it's getting colder because it's pushed farther out into space.(在大气的外部边缘处,由于大气已经远远地延伸到太空,实际意味着它正在冷却。)
As long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a red Sea.(只要你向外面看一看,到处红红的鞭炮,汇成了一条红海。)
In this house, the steel grid envelops the house at the outside of all balconies, so Windows and doors may remain open at all times if desired.(在这座住宅里,钢栅覆盖了所有阳台的外部,这样门窗在需要的时候可以保持打开。)
We spend too much time looking at the outside world and too little looking at our hearts and souls.(我们花了太多时间去看外面的世界,但在观察自己内心和灵魂时却往往不够。)
That marriage won't last. I'll give them two years, at the outside.(那样的婚姻不会持久。我看他们最多不过两年。)
There was room for 20 people at the outside.(最多只能容纳20个人。)
at the outside是什么意思 at the outside在线翻译 at the outside什么意思 at the outside的意思 at the outside的翻译 at the outside的解释 at the outside的发音 at the outside的同义词